The Gaggia Accademia one-touch espresso machine produces barista-quality coffee right at home. It’s a machine fit for home and offices and its user-friendly display offers customised settings with the touch of a button
Gaggia Accademia
Please contact us for availability
- Ceramic grinders with the strength of metal but without the excessive heat, thus preventing burnt coffee.
- Offers a pre-brewing soak to maximise aroma and taste.
- Seven keys with pre-set beverage settings.
- Contains a removable brewing group for efficient cleaning.
- Cup warmer to ensure hot espresso.
- Self-cleaning machine.
- Double boiler reduce the waiting time between brewing the espresso and dispensing steam to froth milk\.
- Supports custom taste with adjustable grinders and espresso adjustment tool.
- Comes with a hot water dispenser and steam nozzle.
- Brita filter compatible.